Ongoing Story/Spank her young pussy, first

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 18: Megan gets a spanking

You nestle down on your side between her legs so that one hand is free. You want to be close so you can examine her tender pussy as you spank. You gently give it a lick first and then a firm spank.

She gives a squeal of delight. "Oooh that felt kind of nice!"

You do it again, a little harder this time. You get another squeal of pleasure. You love the way her smooth pussy feels under your hand, so you spank her again, but this time you hold your hand firmly on it, feeling her moist damp flesh beneath your palm.

You continue to spank her, a little faster, a little firmer, but making sure you get the full pleasure of touch on your hand.

"Oh yes, spank me harder!" Begs Megan.

You happily oblige, spanking her harder, either holding your hand down upon her or lifting it up immediately and watching her thighs and stomach vibrate deliciously. Your smacks become harder and it seems the harder you spank, the more she loves it.

Soon her pussy becomes cherry red and your dick is throbbing so much, you just have to have it inside her. You turn over and insert your dick into her womanhood. It feels so good as you slide it in deeper, feeling her on all sides of your dick.

You caress her sexy thighs and you ram your cock in and out of her pleasure providing muscles. Even in the position she is in, she is able to tense up her pubic muscles to provide even more stimulation. All those hours training as a gymnast have definitely not been for nothing.

Your hard furious thrusts soon take their toll on your sister's tied limbs, so you decide to release her.

What do you do now?

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