Ongoing Story\The doorbell rings

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 6: Watching pornos with the boy next door

You open the door. It's Billy Turner from down the street. He's in your home room class at Roman Polanski Middle School, which you both attend. Billy is a year older than you because you skiped a grade in elementary school. While he isn't your boyfriend, he is your best 'guy' friend and you enjoy hanging out with him.

"I got that tape I told you about, the one you wanted to see. The one my Dad keeps hidden in the garage away from my Mom." He says with a voice ladden thick with innuendo. As if anyone could help but figure out what 'type' of tape he was talking about.

"Shhh, not so loud OK? Let's watch it up in my parents room, they've got a VCR in there and they won't be back in a while." you tell him in a hushed voice. The both of you scurry into your Mom and Dad's room and lock the door.

"This tape shows what a guy 'ejaculating' looks like right?" you ask eagerly.

"It has lot's of cum shots if that's what you mean. Here, let me fast forward to a good part." The image on the screen flickers and fast forwards to a girl kneeling down and licking some ugly porno dudes huge purple dick. You've never seen a man with a erection before and your jaw drops a little in surprise at how big it is.

"Your penis isn't nearly as big as that guy's" you say marvelling at how far the girl in the movie manages to take it into her mouth.

"When have you ever seen my penis?" Bill gets defensive.

"Three years ago, when we went swimming at the lake. Remember?"

"I was like 11 then, I hadn't even reached puberty yet! Besides, that water was cold! And don't forget, that guy has an erection." He argues.

"So then when you have a bonner, it's as big as that guy's?" You say trying to trap him.

"Well ordinarily, no" he concedes. "But if I had your older sister Tracy helping me like that girl is helping the dude in the movie, maybe I would!" He laughs.

"You like my older sister?" You are slightly hurt. You'd always thought he secretly had a crush on you.

"Why wouldn't I. She's way hot. I'd give my left nut to have someone as hot as her touch me 'down there'. You don't think I come over here every day just to get help with my algebra homework do you?"

"What about me? Do you think I'm as hot as Tracy?" You ask timidly. Billy looks you over critically, evaluating your apearance.

"You're getting there. Your boobs aren't nearly as big as her's, but by her age you'll probably be even more stacked. But your too skinny, your sister's ass is nice and round." He say kidding you. As if to soften the blow he adds, "You're way hotter than this chic in the video though."

"You think..? Oh look! He's cuming all over her face! It must taste bad, look at how she's spitting some of it out of her mouth!"

"Well, some girls like the taste I guess."

"Really? You know from experience are are you making stuff up?"

"Well, that's what my brother told me anyway. He says his girlfriend can't get enough, she loves the taste of it. He told me never to date a girl who won't swallow, they were liable to be too big a pain in the ass."

You watch the movie a while longer and begin to wonder how many times Billy's watched this tape before. If he's ever.. 'played with himself' while looking at it. You look over at him to see if he's getting turned on by what he sees. He get a slightly glazed, far away look, every now and then but that's it as far as you can tell. Then you look down at his lap and see a good sized protrusion in his jeans that he's trying to discreetly hide from view. You can't believe it, there is a hard cock not three feet away from you!

"You got a hard-on!" you exclaim.

"No I don't.. I mean, well.. what do you expect to happen when a guy watches a porno?"

"Do you.. want to take it out and.. er, jack-off?" you offer hesitantly.

"No. I mean.. wouldn't you mind?"

"No, go ahead. Can I watch?"

"Um.. yeah, that'd be kinda cool actually." You sharply intake a deep breath and hold it as Billy unbuttons the fly on his Levi's. You can see a great big bulge in his white briefs, straining against the white cotton and elastic that confines it. You absently mindedly reach out to touch it, but realize what you were about to do quickly pull your hand back before he notices. He pulls down his shorts and you gasp at the size of his erection. It is just a long as the one the guy in the video had, but much more attractive (not so thick and veiny, yech!). You watch, enraptured as he slowly strokes his shaft. Billy is no longer watching the movie so much as your reaction to what he is doing.

"Do you have any lotion of something? That would make it a lot easier." He asks politely. You know very well that your Mom must have dozens of suitable lotions in her room but for some reason you decide not to get him one of them.

"Here, try this." You say and lean over and spit a large gob of your saliva onto his dick head. Billy eyes roll back and you see his eyelids flutter briefly.

"OHHHH boy, that was, er.. thanks! That's even better." He says as you watch him smear your spit up and down his cock. After a while he looks over at you and smiles.

"Would you.. like to touch it? I mean you don't have to, but you could if you wanted. You say nothing as your arm reaches out as if of its own violition and you start massaging his prick delicatley with your fingers.

"Unnnhhhh.. that feels so good. I've been imagining what it'd feel like to have a girl touch it for so long." He says and reclines back on your parents bed as you give him a hand job. Now and again he gives a little grunts and lifts his pelvis up to meet your hand. You think you must be doing a pretty good job.

"We're you imagining me doing it? Or maybe it was Tracy in your dreams?" you ask giving his cock an angry squeeze.

"Well, yeah. I've had dreams about you both actually. Sometimes her, sometimes you, sometimes.. both at once." He admits sheepishly. Minutes pass and your hand begins to tire.

"Um, You better get me something I can cum into. Hurry, I'm about to make a big mess on your Mom's bed!" Frantically you look for something he can shoot into but see nothing. How are you cgoing to explain semen stains on your parent's comforter?

What do you do now?

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