Ongoing Story\A sex starved Lepricorn
From Create Your Own Story
Chapter 16: Leprechuan Sperm! It's Magically Delicious!!!!
"Did you say gold? Well, I guess a Leprechuan wouldn't be so bad. Try that!" You say. Afterall, Neela is the one getting fucked, not you. You're short of money at the moment.
"No, why didn't you say virgin!" Neela screams. But its too late, the troll outline becomes blurry and when your eyes are able to focus on it again its a three foot tall leprechuan with a two and a half inch boner which he thrusts madly into Neela's already punished hole.
"Quick, grab him and yank him off me! If you catpure a Leprechuan he has to give you his gold!" Neela says trying to shove the randy little gnome off her.
"That's what I be tryin' to do lassy, that is if you'll let me! You'll find me golds at the end o' the rainbow!" He yells impatiently as he humps her rabbit-like in intensity. You notice for the first time that his tiny shaft is colored with all the hues of the rainbow and his large (by comparison) testicles glow with a golden light.
"I think the little fella cums pure gold!" You shout, understanding at last the fable of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
"Aye lassy! As much liquid gold as you want! And it tastes good too! Er.. so I've been told, don't be disgusting!"
"I don't care! Get him off of me now!" Neela screams, indignant. Apearently she doesn't attach as much importanct to wealth as you. You'd bang the little fella if he jizzes pure gold, It's not like he's very big, you'd barely even know he was there. You're brand new cherry probably would only be dented, not popped, by such a small dick.
"Green Clovers! Blue Diamonds! Purple Horseshoes!" The litte guy grunts in pleasure. "Hey Witch, why not make yourself useful and kiss my Belarny Stones!" He cackles in glee.
What do you do now?