One on one saber training with Obi Won

From Create Your Own Story

As you walked down the halls towards the training center you wanted to have some live action training with your light sabers. After another run in with General Grevious, you couldn't help but feel that you would remain out matched unless you pushed yourself. Suddenly Obi won's voice snapped you out of your trance, "Off to the training center I see." He said with a smooth voice,

You quickly looked up then to your left seeing him peering through a window into the center, "Master Kenobi, what are you doing down here?" You asked a bit taken aback,

"I was watching the squads run through their drills. Though I figured you'd come down soon enough." Obi Won replied with a little smirk,

"I'm sorry Master, I just feel like I should train." You replied lowering your head slightly, "The more I train the better I'll be in the field."

"I understand, believe it or not I too was a padawan once and wanted nothing more than to prove myself." Obi won replied with a little sigh, "Couldn't tell me anything to convince me otherwise." He added with a small chuckle, "Very well, allow me to assist you. Since it's quite clear that your training with or without me."

"Truly master? Thank you, I was wanting to practice dueling." You replied with a wide smile,

"Of course you were." Obi won replied with a little head shake, "Anakin is passing on his eagerness evidently." You laughed a little before following him down the halls and into the training center itself.

Training Goes Well, You Leave Feeling Accomplished

Training Doesn't Go Your Way, You End Up Feeling Frustrated

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Ahsoka Tano
Clone Wars

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