Numbers/Fall Asleep

From Create Your Own Story

It's lunch, but you havent had time to eat. Something else delectable stands in front of you. The perky Asain, Jessica. She's a bit nuts though, which is easily gathered from the fact that you /woke/ up in this classroom, the last thing you remember doing is taking a bite of old lasagna. Jessica sits on a desk, legs crossed. She's wearing short khaki shorts and a simple T-shirt. Her black hair falls around her shoulders. She speaks: "Out of all the people you could be dreaming of, me?" "What?" "Well you're obviously dreaming, I'm not a slutty Asain. Besides I don't think anyone would go to these extrems.." Jessica gestures at the door. There is a huge padlock on it. Jessica shrugs, "Now what? We can do anything"

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