Molest her wonder-boobs

From Create Your Own Story

You smirk as you toss Wonder Woman's top to the other side of the costume shop.

"I'm not showing them off," you say. "I'm exposing them so I can enjoy them."

Wonder Woman attempts to cover her breasts with her arms, but you grip her wrists and use your super-strength to force her arms down to her sides while you lean your face down to her chest. You flick your tongue over first one nipple, then the other, making them stiffen.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you're doing this!" Wonder Woman exclaims.

You release one wrist so you can cup a wonder-tit in one hand while you suckle the other. You draw a large mass of tit meat into your mouth and caress her nipple with your tongue. Wonder Woman moans. You tweak her other nipple between your thumb and forefinger.

"Ohmygod, I think I'm gonna cum!" Wonder Woman exclaims. "Stop! Don't make... Unnngh! Ah!"

She grabs your head with her free hand, holding your face to her breast while she shudders through an orgasm. You keep sucking while she writhes against you and you wet your super-panties.

Wonder Woman lets go of your head and you raise your face from her breasts.

"You made me cum in public!" Wonder Woman says, blushing furiously.

Do you:

Health Super Horny & Female Location:

The Costume Shop

MP 0
Level 5
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