Masturbate in the muddy water.

From Create Your Own Story

Thinking of what a filthy little teenage slut you have been today, you close your eyes and rub your clit slowly while floating semi-prone in the murky water. This feels very good and your surroundings seem to fade away as you focus on your sexual pleasure.

With your free hand, you reach around behind you and probe your asshole with your middle finger. Once it is most of the way in, you insert your index finger as well, and with your other hand you work your clit faster. Eventually you have three fingers thrusting in and out of your asshole and you are going at your hard nubbin like a coked up DJ scratching a record at a dance club.

Before too long, your body is wracked with an extremely satisfying orgasm that seems to go on for a full minute. When it finally subsides, you pull your fingers out of your ass and suck the juice off of them as if they were a popsicle, though of a flavor that wouldn’t be very appealing to your typical kid, you imagine.

You aren’t sure if the shit you are tasting is your own or that of the various livestock that frequent the watering hole. Probably both, you guess. Either way, you are pretty sure that enjoying it makes you a dirty, dirty whore. As if that were even in question at this point.

Enjoying this thought, you relax and bask in the afterglow of your orgasm for several more minutes.

You continue to peacefully float on the surface of the water for a while, soaking in the warm sun on your skin.

Your peaceful meditation is abruptly interrupted when you feel the gentle shifting of the three foot slug you just fucked into your womb. You almost completely forgot the ordeal... until now. You've always been prone to making stupid decisions when you get horny, but this one takes the cake. You're racked with a feeling of dread and nausea as you remember how the creature slithered its way into you and is now doing God knows what in your uterus.

Shifting so that you're treading water, you realize that you have floated nearly to the dead-center of the muddy pond.

You turn towards the Willow Tree you came from and prepare to swim back, when a sickeningly familiar slimy sensation suddenly hits your hand. You quickly raise your arm in front of you to see a massive slimy slug glued to your palm. You can tell that it's the exact same species as the one stuck inside you; only this one is the size and weight of a banana, and constantly squirming in your grasp. You try to pry it out of your palm, but it is held fast.

Moments later, you feel another slimy body attach itself to your leg. And then another. And another. To make matters worse, you can feel the creatures begin to slither up your body. At the same time, the massive three footer nested in your womanhood makes its presence known again by stretching slightly inside you.

Instantly regretting the choices that led up to this moment, you decide to make a break for it. You begin to swim back to shore as quickly as possible before you are weighed down, immobilized, or worse by the assault of these creatures.

With all the added resistance, you struggle to shore and drag yourself onto the muddy banks. The slug that was on your hand has now explored its way up to your elbow, and pulling your legs out of the water, you are stunned by what you see. Four massive slugs, the smallest at least 7 inches long, and the largest is a similar size to the one that you fucked only a few short minutes ago. They're all at least several inches thick, and coated in impossibly sticky slime. All the while, they are crawling their way up your legs.

Beginning to panic, you make an effort to stand up and run. Maybe if you can find a stick or a rock again, you can use the leverage to pry them off you. But the wet, thick, mud of the pond mixes with the slime from the slugs which forms a sticky glue, securing your limbs tightly to the ground. The best you can do is hold yourself up on your back and watch.

You decide to:

You are possessing:
12th Grade Girl With a 3 Foot Slug in Her Womb (Katy)
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