Make her suck you while her pussy fizzes

From Create Your Own Story

Since her pussy is occupied, you stick your dick in the maid's pretty mouth. She sucks you eagerly, moaning along with each snap and crackle of the Alka-Seltzer. You're enjoying her oral ministrations, until a violent surge of fizz sends her into spasms and she grinds her teeth, mangling your meat. You scream in pain and try to pull out, but tugging just tears your flesh worse. By the time you get your dick out of her mouth, it's a bloody mess.

You somehow manage to stumble out of the room and into the hallway. Passing hotel patrons look at your bleeding crotch and faint. You make your way into the lobby.

"Ambulance...!" you say.

Then you pass out.

You wake up in a hospital bed. You lift the blanket and check under your gown. There's a huge wad of bandages wrapped around your penis.

Do you:

Health Horny, with your dick bandaged Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 2
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