Look for something in the room to start fucking your sister with

From Create Your Own Story

You and John smile at each other, and he motions toward the nightstand, where there is an empty beer bottle.

"I see no reason why we shouldn't have a little fun while she's sleeping," you say.

While your sister snores, you pick up a beer bottle and slowly insert the top of the bottle into your sister's pussy.

"Mhmm," she moans, in her sleep. John laughs, his dick grown hard again, and slowly starts fucking her mouth. Your sister moans and moans again and starts moving in her sleep, fucked on one end by John's dick and on the other by the beer bottle.

Do You:

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Beer bottle, Naked

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Slut
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Everyone
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