Lock up the store tight and get back to Leslie.

From Create Your Own Story

You check every door carefully. Then you check every window. Then the doors again. You get back to Leslie, hide next to her, and shut off your flashlight. It's all you can do.

You drift off to sleep for awhile, and awaken only when sunlight hits your eyelids. You stand slowly, and peer out through the front windows of the store. Outside, you see a group of men in military uniforms, armed heavily, walking in front of some sort of armored vehicle. There are at least a dozen, and you nudge Leslie with your foot until she's awake.

"We're saved," you say. You rush to the door, unlock it, and open it. You step out into the parking lot, where the storm has passed and left only puddles in it's wake. You see Melanie's water-logged body and feel awful for leaving her, before you see that the military men have noticed you.

"We're okay!" You shout, raising both your hands. "We're alive, and we're okay!"

The men raise their weapons. "No! We're okay!" You shout, but it's too late. One of them orders the others to open fire, and they do. You and Leslie are both peppered with multiple rounds, and drop dead in the lot.

"Order 42 executed," the head soldier says into his radio, as you drift off to the afterlife.

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