Lie him on his back and ride his big pole, cowgirl, while he sucks your breasts

From Create Your Own Story

You quit teasing him and roll over onto him and kiss him passionately, using the element of surprise and aggressive thrusts with your tongue to gain dominance and show him who'll be leading this little dance. As he pulls out and gasps for air, you tell him in a half-sensual purr, half-predatory growl, "Let's see whether that big cock of yours fits in my sweet little pussy, boy." He's too stunned by your assault and dirty talk to respond so you push off his chest so your upper body is vertical and arch your back, emphasizing your breasts. "Come and get 'em, sweetie."

He rises up after you, his inexperienced but talented mouth caressing your melons. Kissing your nipples, licking your cleavage, tracing the outlines with his tongue... You enjoy it until you feel your juices flowing again. Time for the main event.

Reaching down and grabbing his dick, you get it in line with your dripping pussy, and slowly lower yourself onto it. There's less resistance than expected. Maybe his licking from before loosened you up a bit.

He gasps in ecstacy. You've fucked plenty before, but for his age he's damn impressive. You wonder what he'll be like when he's a few years older. Something to possess and keep as an investment, perhaps?

You take him in as far as you can, and you're rewarded by the feeling of his ballsack touching your ass. You raise and lower yourself, and it's your turn to gasp. Your pussy clings to him like a vice now, but it's worth the effort as you pick up the pace.

The boy's been licking your tits but as your movements become more energetic, he finds it harder to hit his target. You seize the back of his hair and thrust his face roughly into your bosom, at the same time wrapping your free arm around his back. He starts to reciprocate your thrusts and soon the two of you are going as hard as you can, the rhythm of wet flesh on flesh punctuated by moans.

You feel a climax coming, and feel the boy's close too. Do you:

You are possessing:
Naked Hottie
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