Let yourself fall asleep in Annika's arms

From Create Your Own Story

Annika holds you in a gentle but firm grip and nestles her body securely against yours. Her hands begin soft caresses on your flanks.

"Tired, stud?" Annika whispers. "Relax... rest..."

Your eyes close and your body goes limp. You fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When you awaken, Annika's arms are still wrapped around you and her lips are gently brushing your neck. She appears to be half-asleep as well. "Mmmmmm," she murmurs.

You force yourself to wakefulness. "Wow," you say. "You wore me out."

Annika's soft laugh sounds like silver bells. "You wore me out pretty good, too." Her arms pull you closer and you feel the pressure of her breasts against your back. One of her hands slides down and begins teasing your rod.

"Stop that," you say with a grin. "Didn't you get enough?"

Annika's hand slides back up. "I could always go for more. Of course, we could both use a shower..."

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

Annika's Lair

MP 0
Level 1
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