Let the prince take you to see his bedroom

From Create Your Own Story

"Oh, all right," you say. "Maybe our first time should be in a bed. But if you're serious about being in love with me and all that, you better understand that we're going to do the deed in every room of this castle."

"Perhaps," the prince says.

You slip your panties back on and the prince leads you through the maze of corridors inside the castle, coming at last to a luxurious bedroom. You keep sneaking peeks at the prince's crotch. Your pussy is dripping in anticipation...

You're just about to fling yourself onto the prince's canopied bed when a puff of green smoke fills the air. You cough and the smoke clears, revealing a green-skinned, but pretty, woman dressed all in black. A black conical hat is sitting on her head.

"Hello, step-mother," the prince says.

"So, you've broken my curse," the witch says. "And you know, of course, that if the prince should marry, he becomes king and his bride becomes queen. Well, I've been having a lot of fun being queen since my husband, the king, died under such... unusual circumstances. I won't lose my throne to some common slut like you. I think I'll turn you into a swan."

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Health Horny & Hormonal Location:

Fairytale Castle

MP 0
Level 1
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