Let the man flush you down the toilet

From Create Your Own Story

When you only stare back at the man defiantly, your legs remaining tightly closed, he frowns, his brow furrowing. That's fine, he can be as disappointed as he wants; you're not afraid of a silly swirly!

"Disappointed, baby," the man says, shaking his head, "but hey, if that's how you wanna play it..." He seizes you by both shoulders and easily lifts you three feet off the ground - your head bumps painfully into the ceiling of the Port-o-John. Before you can react, he shoves you back down into the toilet, feet-first. Your legs are forced together as they're jammed down into the drain, snaking along the S-bend. The man lets go of you, and you look down to see that you've been lodged firmly inside the toilet up to your thighs. Wait... He meant he was literally going to flush you down the toilet?

As if to answer your question, the man, looking satisfied, reaches over next to you and casually pulls the toilet's handle. Inexplicably the toilet roars to life, and you feel an immense chill as water splashes against your fishnet-clad thighs. As if that weren't strange enough, you begin to slowly turn with the spiraling current of the water, slowly at first, but gradually gathering speed.

The man watches, arms crossed, as you begin sinking into the toilet. Your thighs are consumed inch by inch by the porcelain fixture, until your large butt presses firmly against the smooth porcelain. You spin in place for a few moments, and you attempt to take the opportunity to push down on the rim of the bowl in an effort to save yourself. The thing is slick with water, unfortunately, and your hands slip right off. This also causes enough of a stir for your ass to pop through the drain and resume your descent into the pipes. Your arms are pinned at your sides now by the tight circumference of the bowl, leaving you helpless to even fight the powerful current of the flush.

The flush finally comes to a finish with a strong glugging sound, leaving you completely stuck in the toilet, only the top half of you visible above the bowl. The man raises an eyebrow as the flush completes and you're still crammed in the bowl, your arms pinned helplessly to your sides as you struggle to do anything.

"These piece of shit economy toilets," he says, sighing, "they never get the job done after the first flush." With that, he reaches past your head and places his fingers on the handle again, before pulling it down forcefully, holding it down this time. "This oughtta do it," he says, as the toilet explodes to life again.

Your arms and lower torso are barraged with more water as the flush takes effect, the swirling waters circling you and beginning to push you in circles once more. You spin and spin as you begin descending down the toilet again, the drain making quick work of your waist. The moment your breasts meet the rim of the bowl, however, progress is halted once again. You simply whirl in fast circles, growing extremely dizzy, as the toilet fails to squeeze your chest into the bowl.

"Oh, for cryin' out..." The man sighs, reaching down to take you by the shoulders and give you a powerful shove downward. That does it. Your breasts splash down into the water as you're popped free, and you're sucked down the rest of the way in seconds, curving around the S-bend and into the tubes.

What feels like hours later, you're ejected into the sewer with a wet SPLAT. Getting to your feet, you take a look at your surroundings. You can either head down a cramped pipe to your left, a cramped pipe to your right, force yourself back into the tiny pipe you were just spat out of, or try your luck with another small pipe across from you.

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Health Horny & Female Location:

The Sewers

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Level 2
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