Let her decide?

From Create Your Own Story

"Battleship!" Shara pipes up with a squeak in her voice, bolting from the couch in a blur of movement Shara disappears down the hallway only to come back a minute later with the small game box.

"Really... alright then, if you want to."

Pushing the coffee table over you set the game up and begin to play.

"Damn...you got me...." You sigh as you shake your head.

"Say it!" Shara pokes your side with a coy smile.

"Ugh, you sunk my battleship...." You mutter out but its a enough for Shara to laugh with glee.

"Yes,yes I did! Victory over your navy! I am the master of the seas!" Shara holds her arms above her head as she mimics the sound of a crowd cheering for her win.

The game was rather boring for you regardless of how bad you were doing from the start then again you where hardly focused on the board rather your eyes wander over your sister as you did so.

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Mental Powers Equipment
Mental Skill Level 1 Nothing
Mental Power 90%
Mental Condition High
Health 100%
Condition Perfect
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