Let's talk to the chef. He seems friendly.

From Create Your Own Story

The chef is stirring a boiling pot filled with vegetables. The odd thing about it is that he's stirring the pot with his bare hands. The chef smiles and says, "You ain't from around here, are ya?"

"No," you say. "I'm... visiting."

"Oh, wonderful," the chef says. He lifts his hand out of the pot to shake yours. You're amazed that his hand shows no signs of injury, despite it having been stirring a pot of boiling water.

"We are planning on welcoming a few more visitors before the night is over," the chef says. "Then I and Mal-K'thon shall dwell in the gray seas of Xuxul forevermore. In the dark places at the edge of space, where the Mi-Go fly from shimmering Yuggoth."

"Ooookay," you say.

Holy crap! I didn't sign up for this! Run away, run away

Ask about the Mi-go

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