
From Create Your Own Story

Wandering the city for a while, you find a bridge spanning a wide, deep river near its mouth. Under it on this side is a set of docks for small boats attached to a concrete platform, poorly lit, that doesn't look particularly friendly.

But being poorly lit you figure nobody would see you if you slept there, so you wedge yourself in near a bunch of crates and try to fall asleep.

Your attempt at sleeping is interrupted not much later by the sounds of muffled struggling, and hushed voices.

Peeking out from behind the boxes, you spot 4 men, one of whom is gagged and tied to a bunch of disc weights. Two of the men hold him up to face the fourth.

The oldest looking of them, a man with grey hair smoking a cigar, speaks. "Jerry, we tried to work with you. We gave you three strikes. Then another three strikes on top of that. You think anybody else gets that many chances with us?" He says. Jerry shakes his head.

"And we might even have been willing to let your most recent transgression slide, were it not for the fact that somehow, the information given to you in confidence, the information I personally told you and nobody else, do you remember that information Jerry?" Jerry nods. "If it weren't for the fact that that information has somehow found its way into the ears of the Memitim, our enemies since before you were even swimming around in your father's nutsack, I might have given you another shot." He takes a puff and motions toward Jerry with his cigar. "I've had the patience of a saint with you, Jerry. Boys."

He flicks his hand toward the water and the two men drag Jerry, kicking and screaming as much as he could, to the end of the dock. They shove him off, and he disappears into the water.

The three talk quietly among themselves as they walk along the platform in your direction. You hold your breath as they're set to pass you, then one of the men pats the older one on the shoulder and points right at you.

The three look at you, and the two who pushed Jerry into the water grab you and haul you in front of their leader before you could have gotten up to run. The older man looks annoyed. "Boy you better answer this question right. What did you see?"

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