Leave the other girls be and catch up with your group!

From Create Your Own Story

You have decided not to kill the other girls. After all, they haven't done anything to you. It was only Domi who got on your nerves.

"Brooke, come on!" You hear one of the girls yell out to you. You grin, quickly rushing toward them. You suddenly hear a beeping sound as your eyes widen. As you look down at your watch, you smile, realizing that Hour 2 has just begun. You still have 71 hours to spare.

There are so many people that not only you, but the girls hate as well.

Should you kill them?

Character: Brooke Harris
Alive: 49 students
Hours Remaining: 72
Weapons Aquired: Butcher Knife
Friends: Girl #17 Jenn Penn, Girl #18 Ayane Akiko, Girl #6 Kim Rhodes, Girl #5 Samantha Fulton, Girl #15 JC Lee
Kills: Domi Sheen

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