Leave the bulky shotgun. trust the woman.

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm leaving the weapon," you say, finally taking off her bonds. "I don't have time for this, I'm telling you. I'm leaving."

"What makes you think I won't shoot you?" She asks, looked confused.

"Because you said earlier you wouldn't. I'm not your husband. I didn't cheat on you. I'm just trying to get through the night." You shrug, standing slowly. You pick up the shotgun and extend it towards her. Something in your gut tells you she won't shoot, even if it's just to save the ammo. It's not like you can turn her in. There's no one to turn her in to.

She takes the shot gun, then sits down on the couch with it in her lap. "Well, you're actually right. Despite our little dust-up, I have no urge to kill you. So, go then." She says it while nodding toward the door.

You don't need to be told twice. You turn your back and walk out of the house. The crowd outside seems to have disperesed. You see dozens still, but their spread out and have their attention elsewhere. You can finally get to your car and get away from this fruitcake.

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