Leave the blonde lying naked in the woods

From Create Your Own Story

You've had your fun with the blonde. You admire your work for another moment, then head for home.

You putter around for a bit, then watch some TV. When the local news comes on, they lead with the story of yet another unsolved rape. You chuckle to yourself and smile, thinking about the helpless blonde.

Your bestial urges quenched for the moment, you resume your normal life, working Monday through Friday at the sawmill. But within a few weeks, you feel the need to rape again. You prepare your rape kit and shoulder your pack, heading for the hiking trails in the woods.

This time around, you have two choices. A chunky brunette who looks to be in her early 20's is slow-walking on one of the trails near your intersection. At the rate she's going, it'll be another 5 minutes before she covers the hundred yards to reach the junction. On the other trail, an athletic redhead who appears to be a teenager is jogging quickly towards your position. She'll arrive in the next 30 seconds.

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