LMaW/Even More Basic

From Create Your Own Story

So, even more basic.

See this page you are reading? It is written in html. If you are like me, and use chrome, you can try to view the source.

Just right click anywhere on the page, and you will see an option that says "View page source". Or, just push ctrl+u.

Now, I do not have a place to put a screenshot, so here is a random one for you: chm.5.png

You should see something like that, with different words in < and >, like <head>.

This is what html looks like. They call it Hyper Text Markup Language, because you mark all the different text with the < and > and something in between.

Imagine it like typing a document, but you need to define the paragraph.

If you still don't understand, maybe just go through the other stuff.

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