Kirara-Cycle: Go check your Cycle and make modifications

From Create Your Own Story

You walk through the base and end up in one of the hangers which had Cycles and Tanks in it. Nobody else was around. You went over to the Cycles and saw one which had a sign on it saying: "For New Recruit". You take the sign off and let it fall to the ground. Your Cycle was the typical motorcycle armed with missle pods. You grabbed a tool kit, a can of spray paint, and some other tools and got to working.

After about ten or so minutes you hear somebody come up behind you. "Hello, you must be the new recruit."

You don't respond.

"My name is Dalton, I'll be your partner." With wrench in mouth you look up at Dalton. He was much taller than you, he had black hair that had spiky bangs, his eyes were a blood red color. He was slightly muscular and wasn't bad looking at all.


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