Katie decides to make a run for the lost and found, better a streaker than a baby

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Wet, Cold, Exposed, and Getting More Horny Apparel and Items: Naked
Day, Time Friday, Rainy Morning
Need to Bathroom Desperately Holding it in
Level of Humiliation Terrified of Streaking

Katie sprinted out of the bathroom, she knew that she was a ticking time bomb. Right now she was just a streaker, baring it all to show herself off. She could work wit this, it was still horribly embarrassing but she could pretend she was just a girl who takes risks. However, as her turning bowels and stinging bladder reminded her, she would soon be "the girl who shit herself." She spotted the doorway leading into the halls leading across the school. Katie remembered passing those on the way towards the gym. Maybe she could go there instead! By this time, Katie was not being missed by anyone. The few students who were late to class watched her run by, whistling catcalls or in just surprise a girl was naked in school. It was her moment to wear SOOO horny, horny enough that her control began faltering.

She kept running, and deciding to turn up ahead, she took it quite sharply. Katie ran right into a teacher, falling back and landing on her butt. The principal looked utterly surprised by the sight of the naked girl. He was even more surprised, and disgusted when he noticed that urine spraying out of her. Katie was about to explain herself when she felt her anus expand again, letting out a large log onto the tiles beneath her.

Katie couldn't stay there! She needed to find a bathroom! She got to her feet and bolted past the teacher who was still in shock. Katie made it to the end of that hallway before she froze as the bell rung in her ears. Students flooded into the hallway and formed a circle around her naked body. They started taking pictures of her. Katie would have run, but suddenly her body decided it was time. Squatting instinctively, she released the rest of her bowels onto the floor, along with pissing a small puddle around her. The people around her gasping and gagged in disgust and strange curiosity. When Katie was done, she stood back up and tried to cover her naked body from all the prying eyes. But there was no helping the terrible laughter that began. Everyone was making fun of the naked girl who not only peed herself, but also pooped herself in the middle of the hallway!

"Dude look at that ass!" one of the older students said.

"'Dude' that ass is caked with shit! Don't even try!" someone else joked, sending more waves of laughter rolling through the crowd.

Katie was panicking at this point. What was she supposed to do!? Where was she supposed to go!?

Katie blindly runs out of school

Katie runs for the gym

Katie runs for the office to get help

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