Katie Accident in Art - Ride the school bus

From Create Your Own Story

Condition cold and wet Apparel and Items: shirt, Wet diaper, Sneakers
Day, Time Friday, End of the School day
Need to Bathroom none
Level of Humiliation Extreme

Katie decides to ride the school bus to get home quicker. Katie's diaper is noticeably wet and is starting to sag. Katie hurries out of school trying to ignore the teasing from other students. She gets on the bus and sits in the first seat. Katie tries to cover her diaper with her arms and hopes nobody on the bus notices.

The bus pulls away from the school and Katie starts to hear whispers about the diapered girl in the front of the bus. Then one of the girls gets out of her seat and sits next to Katie.

"Why are you wearing a diaper? It looks wet." The girl asks.

"I had an accident, please leave me alone." Katie pleads.

"I just want to help, my house is the next stop. You can come in and change." The girl replies.

Katie Accident in Art - Katie accepts the offer from the girl

Katie Accident in Art - Katie rides the bus home

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