Katie Accident in Art - Katie tells the officer she had an accident

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Upset Apparel and Items: Pants, Shirt, Poopy Panties, Socks, Sneakers
Day, Time Friday, Just Before Lunch
Need to Bathroom none
Level of Humiliation Extreme

Katie's eyes tear up as she explains how she had an accident in art class. Then she turns around to show the officer the bulge in her pants.

"Oh my, you were not joking. I should drive you home. It is dangerous to walk around alone." The officer exclaims.

"Thank you, this has been such a bad day." Katie says.

"There is only one thing. I cannot let you ride in the squad car with those messy pants. We will need to clean you up." The officer says.

"What can we do?" Katie asks.

The officer gets out of his car and walks Katie to a nearby house. They walk to the back yard to to a garden hose.

"I will need you to strip down so I can hose you off." The officer says.

Katie is reluctant to strip but she needs the ride. First she removes her shirt exposing her breasts. Then she takes her shoes and sock off. Finally she slides down her pants and panties. Poop is caked onto Katie's ass and the load that was in her panties smears on her legs. The officer begins the hose down spraying Katie's legs and ass. The ice cold water makes Katie shiver. Soon Katie is clean. The officer then runs to his car and retrieves a fire blanket to cover Katie with. Then they walk back to the car. Katie takes her shoes and shirt leaving the other items of clothing in the yard. The both get in the car and drive away.

Katie Accident in Art - The officer drives to Katie's home

Katie Accident in Art - The officer receives an emergency call

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