Karen/Continue, *very* cautiously, as a group along the last bit of trail

From Create Your Own Story

You, Shania and Damien move in your triangular formation at about one foot per minute, your senses on hyperalert.

Gunfire sounds in the distance, followed by an explosion. But no sounds come from near you except the ones you and your crew are trying not to make. You are being exceptionally quiet for three people in a jungle.

You reach the edge of the open ground and pause.You scan the jungle once again, then look at the open ground in front of you. Not a sound or a movement. But someone must have scored that earlier kill...

You think you might have seen a flash of motion to your left in the jungle. But when you look at the spot, you see nothing. Maybe your imagination is playing tricks on you.

Character: Karen Andrews
Alive: 44 students
Hours Remaining: 69
Weapons Aquired: Taser
Friends: Boy #12 Damien Ryan, Girl #2 Shania Hart
Kills: None... yet

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