Just sit tight, and see what your grandfather has planned for you

From Create Your Own Story

With a sigh, you sit down on the stone floor. Fortunately the chains are long enough for you to move around, but you simply have no desire to, the pain in your loins is starting to get noticeable again. You wonder if your granddad is just going to leave you down here to die. Judging by how much elves hate you orcs, it wouldn't surprise you. You've never understood why elves hate orcs. Sure, there are some violent tribes out there, but your village is peaceful, and only takes a few women every now and then.

But before you can think on it further, your Granddad comes up to your cell. Out of his armor, you finally realize that the reason he looked so familiar to you is that he resembles your Mom quite a lot. Though more masculine, he is still quite beautiful, for a man anyway. He opens your cell and steps in, sizing you up.

You stare at each other for a good moment, before he says, "Tell me, orc, is my daughter well?"

You nod. "Yes. She seems quite happy."

Grandad scoffs at your comment. "Are you her only child?"

"No, I have three older brothers."

Granddad takes a deep breath, clearly trying to suppress his anger. "So, she's nothing more than an orc's whore now."

"That's not true!" you bellow as you spring to your feet.

"No?" Granddad questions with sarcastic tone.

"No! She is very faithful to my father, and he is very faithful to her. He has taken no other mates, and neither has she! She wouldn't even instruct her sons on how to mate, like most orc mothers do."

Granddad stays quiet for a moment. "You speak rather eloquently, for an orc."

"Mother taught me."

The room falls silent, and you're curious what happened to that dark elf you met in the woods. Of course your granddad might not be fond of you speaking out of line.

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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