It's a gruff, strong looking man.

From Create Your Own Story

A man makes his way over to your table.

It takes everything you have not to stare.

The man is tall, muscular with dark skin, and chestnut brown hair. What you can't look away from though are his eyes, honey gold eyes boring into you and making you feel hot all over.

Must be the alcohol.

"Do you mind if I sit?" He asks, and his voice his smooth. You shake your head and take a drink to hide how red your face is. "Thank you," he says. "I haven't met many friendly people around here willing to put up with me."

You couldn't for the life of you imagine why.

He laughs, and you realise you'd said that aloud. Your face grows hotter.

"Thank you for the compliment, here, for being so kind, why don't I buy you another drink?" He waves over a waitress before you can argue or refuse and then he smiles at you and you're too hot and bothered to say no anyway.

You drink and he tells you more about himself, how he's an adventurer on his way to an encampment of deadly bandits and decided to rest himself in this quiet town before making his way there. He lauds his other accomplishment and you listen raptly.

It might be the smile, the smooth demeanour, the handsome look, the fact that he's the most interesting person you've spoken to or maybe even just the drinks, but hours later he's still there with you, and you almost fail to realise how close your bodies are to reach other, or how on of his strong hands rests warmly on your hip.

After another round of drinks you can tell you're a little more than just tipsy and you admit as much to the man. He smiles at you again.

"I couldn't just let a beautiful girl like you leave after spending so much time with me. Please, let me take you to my room. I'm sure you can recover there and we can... get to know each other more.

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