Invite Novak and his parents to your house on Saturday, so his mom and your mom can meet and talk

From Create Your Own Story

"Why don't you and your parents come over on Saturday?" you say.

Novak smiles. "Thank you. We will."

On Saturday, Novak, Dijana and Marko arrive at noon. You and Novak study and finish the weekend's homework while Dijana teaches your mom a few tricks of the trade for cooking Serbian-style. Marko keeps the conversation flowing, and everyone gets along well.

"This is great," you say, tasting the dish Dijana helped you mom prepare.

"My wife is a wonderful cook," Marko smiles. "She's even managed to teach me how to manage in the kitchen."

After lunch, you and Novak head for your room while the adults chat in the living room.

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Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Novak
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