Insectoid- Help them

From Create Your Own Story

You are in a hurry to find help and conclude that if you help those two that they will help you back. You jump down and land hard on one of the soldiers, knocking him out instantly as his face hits the ground. The other soldiers look at you, at first they are confused but soon they take out their weapons and charge at you. The first thing you notice about them is how fragile they are, when the first human charged at you, you simply swatted him away, sending him flying like nothing. Soon you found yourself in the middle of a pool of blood and guts as you slaughtered the soldiers without difficulty. Their weapons would simply bounce off your shell and your sharp hands would easily dig through their armor.

"What is that?!"

You hear a feminine voice franticly demand. You look at the two cloaked figures, the one wielding a sword positioning between you and the other cloaked figure. You helped them and yet they are terrified of you. It doesn't help that your vocal cords are still underdevelopment and you'll only able to make grunt sounds. As such you merely point in the direction of the lake, hoping that they will just head that way.

"Why are we still here?! We should be running away from it!"

The smaller figure demands in her panic. You can presume her to be a female.

"Calm down. Did you see what it did? If it wanted us dead, no amount of running would save us.... You there, you want us to go in that direction?"

The larger figure asks. you can presume him to be a male. You nod and jump up towards the trees.

"I can't believe you made me follow a giant insect."

The woman complained as we arrived to the lake. I point at a small stone path that leads to the cascade.

"Calm down, he saved us right? If he just wanted to eat us, he could have done it a million different and easier ways."

The man calms down the woman, but to little avail. You on the other hand are a bit uncaring towards their exchanges. You just have one objective in mind. Using the stone path to show them that it is safe, you enter the cascade. Entering you find Nerubi, already awaken and taking care of her wound by cleaning it. It was swollen and covered in white mucus. It seems like it was already infected. You run to her side.

"Huh? Little one? You have returned?"

Nerubi voices her surprise. Having woken up alone she must have presumed that you left like she asked.

"A Nymph?!"

Nerubi looks behind you to the two figures that you brought.

"Wow, to think that the insect would bring us to a Nymph."

The man looks in wonder as if he had seen a rare sight. The woman beside him on the other hand pushes him aside and kneels next to Nerubi.

"Oh god, this wound..."

Nerubi looks at you with stern eyes, but quickly gives up once you start to wave your arms around to explain her.

"Young humans, I am sorry for having this little one bother you. He's very protective of me and did not know what to do when I got this wound."

Nerubi explains to both the man and the woman. Their conversation continues for awhile, as both sides explain their situation. It seems the two humans are running away because the woman is a witch apprentice, while the man is her lover. They were trying to find a place to hide and they were ambushed, you were able to reach them in time to save them from a horrible fate.

Looking once more at Nerubi's wound you give her a weak push to remind her of her predicament. She looks at you for a second before petting your head. After a couple more minutes Nerubi begins to negotiate. They could hide inside the cascade in the second hole you made for as long as they weren't hostile. In return they had to help treat Nerubi's wound.

After extended hours of treatment, the female human was able clean and cut the infected flesh, leaving behind a stitched patch. Meanwhile you went outside, the boar that you had left behind was gone, so you had to hunt some fish to eat. You bring enough fish for the four of you. You rest beside your mate, her head resting on your chest. You had thought that both of you were already mates, however from Nerubi's perspective your whole relationship was more a fun adventure than an actual serious partnership. That is until today, clinging on to your body, she sleeps peacefully knowing that you will be there for her in the future.

Health 85 Body:

Hardened Shell, Numbing Smell, Aquatic Adaptation, Superficial Cuts

Experience Level 18
Mood Horny
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