Incubus: Show Kaerillian the purpose of your tail

From Create Your Own Story

"An incubus is built for pleasure," you say. "Some enhancements--" You stroke your cock. "Some are more obvious than others. My horns, for example, are a perfect place to rest your feet while I suck your cock or eat your ass. And if you enjoyed having my tongue in your asshole before, you should feel it now." You stick out your tongue, now long enough to lick your own eyebrows if you wanted to, and he shudders, one hand absently stroking his cock through his pants.

"As for the tail..." You cock twitches in your hand as a devilish thought crosses your mind. You shouldn't, but..."I'll show you what it's for, if you'll let me," you say. He suddenly looks nervous again. "It won't hurt, you have my word."

He takes a stuttering breath, and then nods.

"All right, Captain. What- what do you want me to--"

"Just trust me," you say, stripping off your shirt and letting your pants fall to the floor. He stares at you, wide-eyed, as you climb onto your bed and lean back against the headboard, your thick cock standing stiff against your stomach and your tail curled on the blanket between your spread legs. "Bring me that jar," you say, pointing at the aloe and violet salve, and he hurries to obey. "Now take off your pants," you say and you hear him swallow, but he lets them drop to the floor beside your own.

"Now come here," you say softly, taking his hand and urging him onto the bed with you. You have him straddle your waist, his balls pressed against yours, his half-erect cock looking very small and pale next to yours. He nervously runs his hands up and down his thighs as he stares down, his eyes darting back and forth between the two cocks.

"I never thought I was small until now," he says, his face pinking with a hint of embarrassment.

"Size isn't everything," you say. "I can honestly tell you that I'd rather have this," you reach out and wrap your fingers around his cock, "in my ass than this monstrous thing. I would hurt any normal person, but would feel so good inside me..." You lean forward suddenly and kiss him, coaxing him mouth open and letting the tip of your tongue caress his. He gasps and jerks back.

"You taste sweet," he says, licking his lips. "Like honey and...and something else..."

"It's called peppermint," you say. "People use it to flavor candy on some worlds."

"I...I like it," he says, hesitantly bracing his hands on your chest as he leans toward you, gracing your lips with soft, inexperienced kisses. You wrap your arms around him, grabbing his ass in both hands and pulling his groin against yours, rocking your hips as you rub your shaft against his. He moans into your mouth, but then pulls away. "Your tail," he says, breathless. "You were going to show me."

"I had forgotten," you say, smiling as you dip your fingers into the jar of aloe and violet salve. Gently, you rub it between his cheeks, your fingertip circling his asshole before slowly easing inside. You watch his face for any sign of pain or discomfort, and while he looks nervous, he doesn't look like it hurts. You smear the salve inside him, his hot body melting the greasy substance and making him slippery.

"Just relax," you tell him as you raise your tail and smear the end with salve. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know," he whispers, and he leans into your kiss as you guide the tip of your tail to his opening and slowly push it inside. He cries out into your mouth, his body tensing, and you stop, drawing back and cupping his cheek in your hand. "It's okay," he says, breathing hard. "It just feels strange...Don't stop."

Sliding your hands back down to his ass, you gently knead those firm globes, holding him against you as you begin to wriggle your tail inside him, sliding deeper as you curl the tip, pressing into the wall of his rectum, searching. You brush against his prostate and he stiffens, his fingers digging into your arms as he lets out a hoarse and strangled cry.

"Wh- what was that?" he asks, and you smile as you press your lips to his shoulder.

"It's a little gland inside your body," you tell him, kissing your way up his neck, to the back of his jaw. "It helps make your cum. It's also full of nerves, and is why ejaculating feels so good. When I do this--" You sweep the tip of your tail across that lump and he gasps, a shudder running through him. "You see how good that feels? Almost like cumming, except an orgasm lasts five or eight seconds, and I can do this for hours." You suck his earlobe into your mouth as your tail begins to writhe inside him. He cries out, clutching at you, and you hold him in your arms as he bucks and squirms on top of you, rubbing his cock against yours.

You ease up, giving him a chance to catch his breath, and then begin again, drawing one sweet, plaintive cry after another from him. You could listen to that music all day, but that ship won't wait, and your men will be pissed if you're too busy fucking your cabin boy to give the order to attack.

"Hold on to me," you whisper, your lips brushing the shell of his ear, and his grip tightens as you slide one hand between your bodies and wrap your fingers around his cock. You stroke him, rubbing your thumb across his cockhead, as you continue to fuck his ass with your tail. After only a few moments, he cries out and you feel the warm, sticky flood of cum splatter onto your stomach. He shudders and collapses on top of you, lying as though dead, except for the heavy, ragged breaths that shake his lithe form. You chuckle softly as you roll him off of you, laying him gently on the bed beside you.

"Rest," you tell him. "You've earned it." Your demon has been completely sated. You can't draw your horns and tail back into your body, however, until you do something about the throbbing hard-on between your legs. For some reason, being aroused prevents it. Since you're already splattered with the boy's cum, you lean back against the headboard and pump your cock, remembering the sounds Kaerillian made as your tail moved inside him, imagining him straddling you again, this time with your cock deep in his ass, that hot, tight body surrounding you--you grunt as you cum on yourself, each stroke of your hand milking out an abnormal amount of semen. Ah, the joys of being an incubus.

Once you're cleaned up--and human-looking again--you wring out the cloth you used to wash yourself and hand it to him, still lying on your bed. You smile and lean down, planting a soft kiss on his lips, before heading for the cabin door.

"Captain, sir?" he calls after you, and you glance back. "When you said you'd rather have my cock in your ass than your own, that was a lesser of two evils choice, right?"

"Why do you ask?" You walk slowly back to the bedside. "Do you think the captain of a ship can't still enjoy having a hot, young cock in his ass once in a while? You felt my tail inside you." He shudders, his cock twitching at the memory. "Why would I deny myself something that feels that good?"

"Would you ever you?" he asks, and a dangerous smile pulls at your lips.

"I don't know..." you say. "Do you think you're man enough to fuck your captain? You seem a little...fragile to me."

"I'm man enough, sir," he says, sitting up and brushing his silvery-blond hair back out of his eyes. You reach out and grab his cock, making him gasp.

"All right, let's see if you're man enough to control yourself," you say, quickly stroking his cock back to full erection. His shoulders and neck flush as he stares at you, confused. "If you want to fuck me, you have to prove that you can last more than ten seconds inside me. I can't stand guys who pop too quickly," you say. "Whatever you do, don't cum."

"Ca- Captain--" he gasps, but you just lean down and lick his cockhead.

"Not yet," you tell him, pumping his cock harder, faster. You can see him biting the inside of his lip, his hands clutching the rumpled bedspread, each breath sharp and ragged. "Not yet," you say again, and you bow your head, licking up the precum leaking from his cock.

"Captain--Please--" he gasps, his body shaking as he fights to hold back. Honestly, he's lasted longer than you expected.

"Okay, go ahead," you say, and you take your hand off of him, engulfing him completely with your mouth instead. He cries out and spills himself in your mouth, and you quickly swallow it down, sucking every last drop out of him until he collapses back on the bed, exhausted. You chuckle and reach down, brushing his hair back from his blue-violet eyes.

"I'll be back later," you say, and head for the door. "You might want to put some clothes on--we're about to attack a ship." You step out onto the deck to find your crew crowding the rail, watching as the white-sailed ship looms closer on the horizon. You mount the stairs to the aft deck and take the spyglass from Cole, peering through it at your potential prey.

"She's a faerie ship," Cole says, standing at your elbow, and sure enough, you can see the lacy black butterfly on the pale blue flag flying from the mast.

"Thank you, Mister Gesriel," you say, handing the spyglass back to him. "And thank you for telling the boy he could sleep in my cabin." You shoot him a dark look, but he just shrugs.

"I thought you might like to have him close in case you get hungry in the night." You shake your head and turn away, rubbing a hand along your jaw as you consider the ship. Faeries come in two flavors: fey, who are a lot like humans in their culture and mannerisms, and sidhe, who are some of the most difficult people in the universe. You have had some experience with the sidhe, but never in a situation like this.

Do you...

Hunger Key: Sated - Awake - Restless - Hungry - Very Hungry - Starving - Critical
Demon Sated
Location The Incubus: Aft Deck
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