Incubus: Quickly jerk off so you can join your men on deck

From Create Your Own Story

Kaerillian lies motionless on your bed, gasping, eyes glazed as the cum glistens on his skin, and you smile to yourself as you turn away, hastily pulling at your cock. Your men are waiting for you to lead the attack and you can't make your horns and tail go away until after you relieve the throbbing ache in your nuts.

"Captain?" Kaerillian whispers, and you glance over at him as he slowly sits up. "Captain, may I?"

"May you what?" you ask. In response, he slides off the bed and kneels on the floor in front of you, running the tip of his tongue along his lower lip as he stares at your cock only inches from his face. "Kaerillian..." you say, your words dying on your lips as he reaches up and wraps both hands around your shaft. His hands are so soft and warm, and you lean back, bracing yourself on the bed as he leans down and takes the head of your cock into his mouth.

You moan as he inexpertly, but enthusiastically, sucks on your cock, his hands sliding up and down your shaft. His tongue laps at the slit and your breath catches as you feel your balls tighten, that heavy, molten feeling gathering low in your gut.

"Kae- Kaerillian," you gasp. "Stop--I- I'm gonna cum--" His blue-violet eyes look out from under the curtain of feathery silver-blond hair hanging in his face, and you moan as he sucks harder. You grunt, the muscles in your abs clenching as you cum in his mouth. He tries to swallow it all, but another attribute of the incubism is an abnormal amount of semen, and he finally has to pull back, cum running down his chin and splattering on his tunic, but he doesn't stop pumping your cock until your orgasm has subsided.

"Thank you," you say as he stands up, stripping off his sticky tunic and using the dry side to wipe himself off. He nods and finishes cleaning himself up before reaching for his pants. As he dresses, he glances over at you, pulling your own pants up.

"How often do you need to feed?" he asks abruptly.

"I can go about two and a half days before it becomes difficult to control," you say. "Three at the absolute most." You pause, looking down at his dirty tunic on the floor. "If that's too frequently for you, I can find someone else to share the burden--"

"It's not a burden, Captain," he says quickly. "I- I was actually thinking that two and a half days is a long time to wait to do this again." You raise your eyes and he gives you a small, hesitant smile. It's gratifying to know that you haven't lost your charm, even if you are old enough to be the boy's father.

"How about tonight, then?" you ask and he nods. Smiling you step over and wrap your arm around his waist, pulling him to you for a long, lingering kiss. This is going to be one hell of a voyage.

Once you're presentable--and human looking--you step out onto the deck to find your crew crowding the rail, watching as the white-sailed ship looms closer on the horizon. You mount the stairs to the aft deck and take the spyglass from Cole, peering through it at your potential prey.

"She's a faerie ship," Cole says, standing at your elbow, and sure enough, you can see the lacy black butterfly on the pale blue flag flying from the mast.

"Thank you, Mister Gesriel," you say, handing the spyglass back to him. "And thank you for telling the boy he could sleep in my cabin." You shoot him a dark look, but he just shrugs.

"I thought you might like to have him close in case you get hungry in the night." You shake your head and turn away, rubbing a hand along your jaw as you consider the ship. Faeries come in two flavors: fey, who are a lot like humans in their culture and mannerisms, and sidhe, who are some of the most difficult people in the universe. You have had some experience with the sidhe, but never in a situation like this.

Do you...

Hunger Key: Sated - Awake - Restless - Hungry - Very Hungry - Starving - Critical
Demon Sated
Location The Incubus: Aft Deck
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