High Voltage/Tell Elianna Remove3B

From Create Your Own Story

I stood up and steadied myself on the arm of the couch. I undid the button on my jeans and stepped out of them. I sat back down on the couch and ran my hands up my thin, hairless legs. I crossed my legs and could see Elianna's eyes were still on them.

My vision was starting to get blurry. I grabbed my cup and took another sip. She took off her camisole, revealing the black bra underneath. I could see the shape of her breasts. This is what I wanted, it was going to happen! Elianna picked up her glass to take another sip. She hesitated as the cup neared her mouth. We made eye contact, and then she scurried away. I stood up to follow her, but I heard the bathroom door shut. She had overdone it.

Now that I was standing up, I could really feel the effects as well. I grabbed my discarded jeans and headed towards my room, collapsing on the bed. My room felt like it was spinning.

Should I:

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