High Voltage/Break up with Shawn at nightD

From Create Your Own Story

"I think we should stop seeing each other," I said.

Shawn stood up, the playful smiles from earlier replaced by only a serious stare. "What?" he asked.

"I don't think we are a good match. I think we should break up."

"And why is that?" he asked, raising his voice. I became frightened. I wouldn't be able to defend myself against him in this body. "You know," he said. "Nevermind, I don't even want to know."

I sighed quietly. At least he wouldn't become physically abusive.

"Lauren, you're a needy little bitch," he grabbed me forcefully by the arm and led me to towards the door. "Have fun walking home." The room door slammed behind me.

I looked around. The door opened up again and Shawn dropped my boots into the hall, quickly shutting the door again. I picked up my boots and walked down the hall. There was a couch near the staircase and I sat down there before putting my boots on.

A guy walked by holding his toothbrush, "Oh hey Lauren," he said. He continued on his way. I didn't recognize him from anywhere, but he must know me. Could he be one of Shawn's friends? It didn't matter, he was too far down the hallway at this point. I stood up and trudged down the stairs and out into the crisp evening air. It had been a long time since I was on this part of campus, but my new ovaries hadn't completely destroyed my masculine sense of direction. At least not yet anyway. I headed home, collapsing onto my bed and drifting to sleep.

Should I:

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