Head for the cafe and flirt with Violet the waitress

From Create Your Own Story

You leave school and head downtown, to the local cafe. Several people have already gathered, chatting and eating as one would late in the afternoon. Violet is behind the counter, refilling a display case with delicious-looking cinnamon rolls and muffins.

You head on over to her with a friendly smile. "Business as usual?"

She turns to you and lights up. "Business as usual. We had the worst rush ever at lunch today, and I had to be everywhere at once. So right now, I'm just dead tired and bored out of my mind. How'd you like a muffin, by the way?"

"I'd love one," you reply and receive a big, warm muffin with chocolate chunks in it.

"I was going to catch that new Nicole Kidman movie later tonight; but right now I just feel like resting at home-..." she murmurs to herself, but quickly snaps out of it and continues: "But enough about me. How was your day?"

"Pwetthy ghoud-..." you reply with a mouthful of muffin, to which she chuckles. You swallow it and rephrase your reply: "Pretty good, thanks. The students had this big test today, and I've just been sitting on my ass waiting for them to finish. So, I'm pretty bored out of my mind as well. How about you and me do something after your shift ends?".

She raises her eyebrows, then smirks playfully. "You mean, like a date?"

"Maybe," you reply and lean in a bit over the counter, casually stuffing the muffin-wrapper into your pocket. "I think I've made it pretty obvious that I like you, so I hope it isn't coming as a surprise. What do you say, though? Want to do something?"

"Sure, I'd love to do," she replies. "What did you have in mind?"

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