Hand over the coin and get on your way

From Create Your Own Story

You have a feeling whatever else they might suggest isn't worth it.

Reluctantly you hand over a handful of coins. The second man snatches them from your hand greedily and moves away from you.

The first man lets out a noise and for a moment you think he looks a bit disappointed.

"Alright then girl, go on."

You don't need to be told twice, slipping past them and hurrying on until you arrive in town.

It's bustling with people, all in the market for whatever merchants passed through here.

You're recognised by a few people who wave your way and you do the same before going on the hunt for the place your father told you about.

It's doesn't take long, you see it in nearly an instant. a colourful cart draped in silks and standing out from all the others around it. There's a man there, calling out to people as they pass by.

It matches what your father told you it would look like and you make your way over.

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