HC/Long BR

From Create Your Own Story

'That's it,' you say. 'I'm done.'

'Wait. You can't just...'

'I can,' you snap. 'I'm not playing any more of your games.'

'Okay, okay,' Rachel says, pouting and sitting back in her seat. 'You don't have to anything. Just cut her hair.'

You give a sigh of relief as you turn around. That was close. If she'd insisted a bit more, you're not sure you would've had the willpower to resist. You reach for Evelyn's bra.

'Leave it!' Rachel says quickly. You open your mouth to argue but she stops you. 'I'm not saying do anything with them. But leave them as they are. And no cape either,' she adds. 'You can clean up afterwards.' She folds her arms and looks at you stubbornly. You sigh. As long as she has that video, she's holding the strings, and she knows it.

You get back to work. Evelyn's breasts sit firm and inviting in the mirror. You ignore them, concentrating instead on your scissors, slicing through her soft blonde hair. That doesn't help much. Rachel stares at you, grinning in anticipation. You ignore her too. Eventually you're done with the back. You groan inwardly. Now there's just the front.

You move around so you're standing beside the chair. She looks amazing. Not just her hair, which has turned out even better than you could have imagined, but the scene itself. Those firm, pale mounds sitting unashamedly naked as she sleeps, oblivious to your lustful touches. You select a strand of blonde and cut through it slowly. It hangs for a moment as though in shock, then tumbles down, falling to her ample breasts. You pick another and cut through it too. It falls and lies with its twin, almost touching her hard nipple.

Soon her front is covered with snippets of blonde, most of them lying on those snowy mounds. You sit back, finished with her fringe, and admire your work. The feeling of pure lust is almost unbearable.

You glance over your shoulder. Rachel seems to have lost interest. At any rate, she's not looking at you, studying instead the bottles ranged on the counter in front of her. The chance, if you're going to take it, is at hand.

Play with the blonde

Clean up and get on with the job

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