Good son: get naked

From Create Your Own Story

Both of you get out of your clothes and sit back down on the coach. Your cocks still covered up by your hands.

"Ok let us remove our hands! 3... 2... 1..."

You pull your hands away at the same time. You stare at each other´s already hard dicks.

"haha... that didn´t quite work," Kevin says while laughing.

Kevin´s penis size is about as big as yours. So it must be 8 inches too.

"Let´s just try to calm down and get rid of our stiff dicks!" he suggests. You both try to not think about the situation you are in right now and try to calm down. After what feels like an eternity of not getting rid of your erection Kevin just wraps one hand around his shaft and starts moving up and down.

"Sorry I can´t get it down... I need to jerk off."

good son: start masturbating too

good son: suggest to jerk each other off

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