Go wherever the woman is leading you

From Create Your Own Story

You take Kerri's hand in yours and sprint after the woman and Angela, catching up with them about a minute later. You feel your powers return, so you must no longer be under the church.

"Oh, good," the woman says when she sees you arrive. She opens a door which has a stairway leading up from it. "Go up the stairs and follow the corridor until it ends, then climb the ladder. You'll be in the residential area of the city and should be able to make it safely back home from there."

You start to proceed up the stairs, when you realize Angela isn't following you. Looking behind you, you see the girl is standing by the woman's side.

"Angela!" you shout at her. "What are you doing? We're supposed to be leaving!"

The woman looks at you with a cold stare.

"This is none of your concern... demon."

The door slams shut behind you. The corridor is lit only by a bioluminescent moss growing on the ceiling. You wait for everyone's eyes to adjust, then move quickly to the end. When you climb up the ladder, you push open a hidden trapdoor and climb through, followed by Kerri. The trapdoor slams shut beneath you, and you'd never know it was even there, buried beneath the green, well-manicured lawn. You're in the backyard of a house. You walk around to the front, and realize you're a block and a half from your home.

"That was, um, exciting," you stammer. "A bit more exciting than I would prefer my days to be. Let's go to my place and forget about it."

"Good idea," Kerri approves. 2 hours later, the studying part of the evening is done and the two of you are snuggled naked in your bed after 69ing the memories of the afternoon away.

Your mom enters the room. "You girls looked a bit frightened when you arrived," she mutters in a worried tone. "Should I perhaps, um, accidentally put some hard liquor into your beverage cups tonight?"

You didn't realize that your faces were transmitting that much information in their expressions when you walked into the house.

You are possessing:
Beautiful 14-year-old
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