Go to your Dad and try and posses him

From Create Your Own Story

You see your Father starting to walk up the stairs, although you don't exactly know how to possess someone, you decide to run up the stairs quickly to think, by the time he's 3/4 up the stairs your still clueless how to go about it. When he gets up you just think to try to run at him and see if that works. You run towards your dad and eventually into him, he stops for a second on the landing of the stairs and struggles for a second with the invader trying to take control over his body. After 30 seconds of struggling for control your dad rejects your invading spirit out of his body, you get chucked onto the floor and think to yourself about why it didn't work. You look up from facing the floor to see your dad with his hand on his head questioning why he just stopped and felt so weird for a second.

It most likely didn't work because your a child and he is an adult and he has a stronger will than you do, thus he ejected you from taking over his body.

"If only there was a way his will could be weakened enough for me to try again." you say to your self.

It looks like if you're going to possess your stern father, it's going to have to be in the right moment and it's going to take some skill in possessing too. I mean you didn't even see him crying much at your death, he just put on a strong face for mum. Guess he has a better willpower than your mum who broke out into tears and is probably still crying now.

After getting up and watching your father open your sisters room you decide to....

You are: A Young female ghost
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