Go to a prostitute to release your sexual frustration
From Create Your Own Story
Determined to lose your virginity, you plan a trip to a legal brothel in Nevada. As soon as Friday afternoon rolls around, you head off. You drive until you get tired, spend the night at a cheap motel, and arrive at the brothel on Saturday afternoon.
You choose the most athletic-looking girl, a pretty Latina named Nadine. After making your payment ($1200, a deep dip into your savings, which along with the other expenses like gas and such for your trip will take a while to earn back on your minimum wage salary), Nadine leads you to a bedroom. She quickly strips nude, revealing her darkly tanned, muscular but feminine body, and lies on her back on the bed. Her face is expressionless, and no warmth radiates from her, just a cold sense of duty. You get the feeling that she likes her job about as much as you like yours.
"Um...can you be on top?" you ask as you undress.
She shrugs. "Sure. I get paid the same either way."
You lie naked on your back on the bed, your erect cock pointing straight up into the air. Nadine mounts you, fucking you quickly and hard. Less than two minutes later, you shoot off a massive load. She gets off of you, quickly cleans herself, and puts her clothes back on. As you get dressed too, you're left with a feeling of, "That's it?"
Although technically you are no longer a virgin, you know that you have cheated and not really scored. A baseball player who reaches base on an error still has a batting average of zero. The session at the whorehouse didn't help your ego any, and it cost you a lot of money.
The drive home is long, weary, and depressing.