Go save Mikey at the neighbor's house

From Create Your Own Story

You decide that rescuing Mikey is a prudent next step, not just because was the decent thing to do but Mikey's friend's house might have more food and ammo for you to use. You and your group dress in Mr. Park's clothes and get ready to head out. It has been hours since the start of this craziness, you realize the sun will be rising soon. As scary as something hiding in the dark might be, dealing with Claire is proof you are scarier. You all load into Mr. Park's van. As the larger and smaller man have proven to be a bit slower and need a lot of direction, you decide it is best to let Mr. Park drive. Mr. Park was clearly under your influence but he also has his wits about him.

You look out your while Mr. Park drives the van through the streets, which are mainly abandoned. You see little fires everywhere which are burning out. You see shattered windows on cars and houses. Worst of all you see the occasional corpse, mangled on the ground. There do seem to be alive people too. Fucking in bushes, running between lawns, and raiding houses along the block. Even though they can clearly see your van they leave alone, which is a comfort. Mr. Park finally stops in front of a house. You notice the windows are all covered and there is a corpse on the front lawn. An ill omen.

You get out of the car and Mr. Park follows. You are pleased to see the two other men follow without needing to be asked, they're learning too and you hope they will soon be as cognitive as Mr Park.

You have the large man open the door and have Mr. Park call for Mikey. No one answers. You all walk into the house and Mr. Park calls again. You don't a verbal response but you do hear movement from upstairs. The smaller man seems anxious. You put your hand on his back and rubbing soothingly and say, "It's okay, it's okay." He calms down as you all head upstairs, Mr. Park with his gun his hand, leads the way. Mr. Park calls out again for Mikey and you hear a loud BANG from one door. You and Mr. Park look at each other and you motion for the larger man to open the door when you hear a voice from another room. "Dad?" The voice says.

Mr. Park gives you a look that tells you that it's clearly Mikey. He calls back and says "I brought help to come save you, Mikey!" Mikey comes out of a room a few doors down from the room the bang came from. He looks elated to see his dad and runs into his father's arms. Mikey is crying a bit, clearly hysterical. Mr. Park shows no emotion on his face but hugs his son back tightly.

"Is there anyone else in the house?" You ask Mikey. He turns and looks at you and nods. "Mr. Wilson is in that room, but he's not well." Mikey says. Your eyes widen, "Is he infected?" You ask. "No, but he's hurt really badly." Mikey says. As he says that you hear another bang. "What's in that room, Mikey?" You ask.

Mikey looks like he is going to cry more. "That's the bathroom. Aiden's in there" Is all he said.

"Mikey, why is there banging coming from there, tell me everything." You command.

Mikey complies, still crying and you can feel that he only answers at your influence. His tone is a bit flatter as he says "We were all here, watching a movie with Aiden's family when he started freaking out. He took of all his clothes and he started having a fit. It was CRAZY. Aiden's dad and I finally had to wrestle him into the bathroom while his mom and sister got chains from the shed. We tied him in there. But when they went out back they forgot to close the backdoor and people came in. They took Mrs. Wilson and Kate and injured Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson then barricaded the two of us in his room." Mikey turned to his dad and said, "I hoped you're alive and could come save me. But I was sure everyone was dead." He then broke down and hugged his dad again. You relaxed your influence on Mikey and let him have his breakdown. So, you thought, An 18 year-old is chained up and infected behind door #1 and Mr. Wilson is dying behind door #2. This was gonna be too easy but you still had to start somewhere. You would probably want to check on Mr. Wilson first, and make sure he didn't bleed out before you got to him. And from the sounds of it, try as he might, Aiden wasn't going anywhere.

What do you do:

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