Go make trouble for the geeks in the computer lab

From Create Your Own Story

You walk into the computer lab and take a look around. You know that the "computer geek" is just a cliche these days, but the guy at the desk fits the bill. Scrawny, wearing thick glasses, and nervous looking, you're pretty sure the only women he talks to are online.

You find an open computer in the front row and take a seat. Looking over your shoulder, you catch the lab tech checking you out. You sit and play around for a few minutes knowing that he can't actually see your screen. You stand up and and take a step toward the desk, then turn around and bend over to type a little more. The short dress you're wearing rides up and the geek is most likely spying the outline of your panties through your black tights. You try to surpress your smile before turning back to his desk.

"Excuse me, would you mind helping me?"

"Uh, sure. W-what can I do to you... I mean, for you?"

"I'm trying to do research for a psych paper studying sexuality among technology professionals. I need to print a hard copy of a webpage, but it's just not loading. It would mean the world to me if you could get it up for me."

The boy's excitement and anxiety is written all over his face. You don't know if he wants to help you or just run away. Of course, the web address is bogus, so once again he doesn't have a shot of success. Finally he stands up and timidly follows you to your computer. As he sits in your chair, you lean over, put your hand on his shoulder an make sure he can feel your breath on his cheek.

The poor boy stutters, "What were y-you l-looking for?"

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