Go for the knife in your backpack

From Create Your Own Story

The pain throbs through your arm, but you turn and stumble back toward your backpack, digging with your good hand for the pocketknife. Finally your fingers wrap around it, as you head begins to spin. You turn back toward the web, the light and the spider blurring and switching places with each other. You open the knife, trying to fight the fog in your head as you stagger back toward the web. It takes you too long - the spider has stung the creature trapped in the web, and as you watch, its light dims and then disappears. You stab at the spider with your good arm - only once, as it leaps again onto your hand. You hear another voice in your head, this time a cracked, dry voice, a voice that seems somehow filthy. "You stupid human. Do you not learn?" Just as before, it races up your arm, this time all the way to your shoulder. You seem to hear a faint cackle as it buries its pincers into your flesh a second time. The day grows dark - twilight so soon? Aunt Matilda will be expecting you for dinner...

The End

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