Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 7c - Keep the spades

From Create Your Own Story

“Three cards,” you say nervously.

“Nervous?” Claire says. “I’m not, but I’ll draw three cards as well if it will make you feel better.”

You look at your new cards. They aren’t all spades, but you do draw another queen. “I’ve got a pair of queens,” you say.

Claire’s smile grows. “Not good enough. Two pair: eights and fours. One more step to victory!”

“Watch carefully, Claire,” you say as you stand up, undo your pants and slide them down. Your briefs don’t do much to conceal the bulge that has formed inside. Claire looks openly at it, as if trying to judge your size. You even catch Lin stealing glances. “Want a closer look, Lin?” you ask. Lin blushes at your comment, concealing her body with her hands.

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