Get up out of bed and prepare for a day

From Create Your Own Story

You slide up onto your rump and then stand up, the cold metal floor sends chills up the back of your legs and through your spine causing you to lift them in surprise. You set them down again, this time prepared, lifting yourself up you scoot over to the side of the room that is used for toiletries and splash some water from a bowl onto your face and put a white tablet into your mouth that foams fast causing you to run quickly over to the toilet where you let the tablet finish its business. After the inncident you grab what ever clothes didnt seem as dirty as the others and on the way down the circular stairs you see your dad slowly closing the cooling unit in the lower portion of the shack. In a hurry to grab whatever you could find to eat you open the cooling unit and to your surprise you find a piece of yesterdays dinner left in its tube. After Finishing the what was left you run over to dad and pat him on the back saying "Im heading off to work dad." He looks over at you and begins to cough unrelenting until he hacked up some blood onto an old rag. You look at him worried and he says to you "Dont worry im fine, have a good day at work and be careful, alot of trouble brewing up in lowtown." You give him a grin and start for the door saying "Dont worry dad, today feels like its going to be a great day." With that said, you burst right through the door and hoof it straight to lowtown, where you meet up with some of your scavenging buddies, Billy, a tall and heavy built man that ran the the little shin-dig looks at you when you arrive and says "No tools again today i see Rogan, thats three times this week! What am i gonna do with you?" Looking surprised you look down at your waist and begin to slouch.

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