Get Koromon to attack them

From Create Your Own Story

You are kidding, right? Not only is Koromon at a Stage where it's probably vulnerable to thousands of species of Digimon out there, but those guys, if they are Digimon, look like they are Adult Stage Digimon, seemingly quite powerful ones, too.

Ah, well, attack them it is. Koromon does so at your command, blows up some Acidic Bubbles at them and the attack corrodes the armor of one soldier slightly. But, it only makes it pissed. It cuts up your Koromon into data bits. You freeze in shock, having to see your Digimon dying so fast that you do not even have the time to mourn.

You do not have the time to mourn, because as soon as it is done with Koromon, it heads for you and cut you up as well. Guess it is lucky for the kids reading this that your flesh and blood were turned to data in the Digital World.

The end.

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