Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/Go to Valerie's place

From Create Your Own Story

You think to yourself, She's pretty hot. And that was really hot earlier. Go for it! You say, "Sure, let's go hang out."

Valerie grins. "I was hoping you'd say that." She starts up the car and you hit the road, making small talk along the way. You can tell that she's sticking to subjects that have nothing to do with the studio, or your activity earlier, but she is most definitely getting aroused - you can smell her scent quite clearly. The anticipation is already starting to make you stir as well.

About twenty minutes later, you arrive at a small house along a very average-looking suburban street. It looks a bit like your home, but in somewhat better condition. She parks in the driveway with little fanfare, and you get out. "Nice place," you remark.

She nods. "I like it. I get some privacy here, and it's nice not having any roommates or nosy family around."

You step inside to a cozy living room, where there's a couch facing away from the front door, a fluffy throw blanket tossed carelessly over the arm, and a small coffee table between it and a smallish flat-screen TV on a stand. Beneath that is a game console and a stack of DVDs and games. In front of you is a small kitchen - the fridge is clearly visible next to an electric stove. And there's a small hallway off to the left that you assume leads to at least one bedroom.

Valerie closes and locks the door behind you, then smiles. "Welcome to my place! Are you hungry?"

You shake your head. "Not after all that pizza. I could use a drink, though."

The calico heads to the kitchen and opens the fridge. "Whatcha in the mood for? I've got some juice, some milk, a couple of energy drinks..."

You think for a moment, then say, "I haven't had a good energy drink in a while. Can I have one of those?"

She smiles and hands you a large can. "Sure! Here, you'll like this one."

You examine the can. It's one of the serious drinks, full of taurine and caffeine and at least one other thing you know can really do the trick. Forget about giving you wings, this one will give you a rocket pack. You eye Valerie, who is already digging into hers. "Wow, you like the hard stuff, don't you?"

She giggles. "Yep! Gotta have a lot of energy for all those shoots." She glances down at your package. "And it's not the only 'hard' thing I like."

You blush. Shoulda seen that one coming. Still, you decide to throw caution to the wind and take a big swig from your can. It has a tangy flavor that begs you to drink it quickly, and before you know it, it's gone already. "Mmf, I was thirsty," you say. You're of course only being half-truthful, knowing that Valerie has her own ulterior motive for giving you this stuff.

She grins. "Wow, you chugged it! I've got plenty more in the fridge. Help yourself." She grabs another can and hands it to you, but you set it down for the moment. She gulps down more of her drink, and you think to yourself, She doesn't really need that stuff, does she? She's already practically bouncing off the walls.

A moment later, she finishes her drink and walks up to you, putting her arms lightly around your lower back and looking up to you. "Now, I'm pretty sure you know why I wanted to bring you here, don't you?"

You grin down to her. "Gonna cash in on that little make-out session earlier?" Your cock starts to stiffen inside your jeans.

She lids her eyes and moves her hands down to your rump, giving it a squeeze. "You know it. I've been thinking about that all day." She moves closer, making a point to press her chest against yours. "I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted you." You feel your excitement already rising, partly because of the energy drink, mostly because of how direct this cat is. She arches her back a little, pressing her hips directly against the growing bulge in your pants.

You wink. "Sure you can handle me?"

Valerie grins back. "Only one way to find out, stud."

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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