Fucking playing fair?

From Create Your Own Story

You're in this to win it not play fair, after all who knows what you could make her do for you... well... you actually have a pretty good idea what it is what you want her to do for you.

With the board reset you begin to play though without her ability to see your side you skillfully stack all of your ships on top of one another, even if she lands on a target ship wont be able to get them all... though it will take some skill to keep the lie on.

"What? How is that possible?" Shara sits back with shock on her face with your stunning victory at her defeat.

"Skill my friend, skill." You lean back on your hands with a smirk upon your face.

Punting with her arms crossed over one another Shara's glares at you out of the corner of her eyes; sitting back up your quick to take apart your board encase she grows wise of your misdeeds.

"So... I believe I won... now what is it that I should ask of you?" A small chuckle escapes your mouth, leaving Shara all the more distraught.

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Mental Skill Level 1 Nothing
Mental Power 100%
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