Force her head against your snatch

From Create Your Own Story

You roll your eyes briefly, then reach down to grab ahold of your daughter's hair with both hands. Valerie starts to shout something but is quickly muffled by your muff. Valerie's hands shoot up in an attempt to pry herself free, and you realize it would be easier to mash your groin down onto her face rather than keep trying to fight her. You begin to giggle maniacly, wrenching her head upwards one last time before slamming your mother-hole onto her face.

You keep a handful of your daughter's hair in your left hand, to keep her from squirming around too much, and reach your other hand behind your ass and up into her mouth, hooking her jaw open. Your demonic strength makes keeping her mouth wide open no task at all. Valerie keeps trying to scream at the forceful assault by her mother, causing her to blow some air up into your gooey vag. Interested more in fucking with Valerie's mind than getting off yourself, you drag your pussy up and down along her face, spreading your juices everywhere. You forcefully grind on your daughter's face for a good 20 minutes, only letting up a couple of times to allow Valerie to catch her breath enough to stay conscious.

You feel yourself getting close to orgasming. Do you...

You are possessing:
Young-Looking, Pretty Mother
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